Ringing Master work instructions
NWACBR Ringing Master Work Instructions
Represent the association at public events, church services etc.
Chair all meetings of NWACBR, both the AGM and quarterly meetings or ensure that the deputy ringing master is available to do so.
Chair meetings of the General Management Committee and the Bell Restoration Fund Committee.
Ensure that the business of the association is carried out according to the rules.
Consult with the General Secretary to generate agendas for both committee and association meetings, in collaboration with branch secretaries and/or other committee members.
Help to initiate and/or organise NWA events and to write a report on each event. This is to be sent to the annual Report Secretary in time for inclusion in that year's annual report.
Organise the NWA annual striking contest, finding a venue and a judge. Collaborate with the chosen tower to obtain an incumbent and organist. Check that the/refreshments have been organised.
Answer all queries promptly and support towers and ringers in North Wales
Encourage recruitment, retention and advancement of learners
Ensure support for the All-Wales Striking Competition
Monitor the content of the website and ensure that current news etc. is forwarded to the webmaster.