NWACBR Educational Award
The NWACBR recognises the importance of training for the future of bell ringing in North Wales. Sometimes this cannot be achieved in a ringer’s local area, and it is necessary to look further afield to source training, or for a particular course (e.g. ART teaching bell handling). For this reason, the NWACBR education award is a scheme to help any fully paid-up, resident member of the association towards the cost of attending a bell-ringing-related training course.
The award
The money for the award will come from money raised from Association subscriptions. A total of £500 in the first instance will be ring fenced to assist Association members towards the cost of attending a course. Subsequent years will be decided on an annual basis by the Association Committee.
Applicants can apply for one award per year, but there is no limit to how many years a member may apply for an award. First time applications will be given priority, and any remaining money will be awarded afterwards. Applications will also be considered for those wanting to be ‘helpers’ on a course. The Association recognises that many courses could not run without experienced helpers and that they can also bring back new ideas to benefit and enrich the Association.
The money awarded will be no more than £150 per application and can be used to cover the course fee and travel expenses (if applicable) and not additional accommodation (with the exception of accommodation included in the course fee, i.e. a residential course).
The award is not means tested and applicants should not feel embarrassed about applying for an award. The award should be celebrated, especially if there are more applicants than money available, as only the best applications will be successful.
The award will be paid to the person, who will then need to obtain a receipt from the course provider. This receipt should be sent to the Association Training Co-ordinator.
If the course fee has been paid and, due to unforeseen personal circumstances or course cancellation, the applicant cannot attend, if a refund can be made then this should be undertaken, and the applicant refund the Association.
Any application for an educational award should be made to the Association Training Co-ordinator, who will then refer it to the Association Committee. Although a reference (this may simply be an email from, for example, a Tower Captain) is not essential, it may help the committee understand how an award for a course will benefit the ringer, the local area, and the Association.
Reading about an Association members experience on a training course may prove beneficial and inspirational to other ringers within the Association. Successful applicants will be encouraged to write a short report for the Association newsletter with help and guidance from the editor, however, this is not compulsory.
Application process
Either complete the online application form (below) or download & complete the Educational Award Form (PDF version). The PDF version can be completed 'on-line and emailed or printed for completion. Either email, post or give in person to the Association Training Co-ordinator (Beverley Furniss, 3 Aqueduct Cottage, Chirk Bank, Wrexham, LL14 5DA g13bev@gmail.com)